Hello there.
I'm Anna, a freelance photographer based in Cologne, Germany. I started connecting my passion for photography and my love for music at the young age of 16 and have been working as a music photographer for more than 10 years by now. As a music photographer I am completely open to any genre out there (and I love to meet people and get to know new music!) and offer a wide variety of photographic work, including Touring coverages, concert and festival photography, band and artist shootings and everything related to that.
I'm Anna, a freelance photographer based in Cologne, Germany. I started connecting my passion for photography and my love for music at the young age of 16 and have been working as a music photographer for more than 10 years by now. As a music photographer I am completely open to any genre out there (and I love to meet people and get to know new music!) and offer a wide variety of photographic work, including Touring coverages, concert and festival photography, band and artist shootings and everything related to that.
Later on, I discovered my longing to capture stories aside from the music scene and that's where I became the photographer and photo journalist that I am today. As an animal and human rights activist, documenting grievances and injustice against our fellow human and non-human beings is something I will always make space and time for. This is the sometimes sad or even infuriating but nonetheless so incredibly important part of my work and complements the joyful times I spend with a camera in my hands in the best way I could ever imagine. My animal welfare photo stories mean a lot to me and I am keen to dive deeper into the huge field of political photo journalism. So, if you have any story that needs to be visually covered in order to raise awareness for ongoing injustice, I'd be happy to chat with you about it.
You're more than welcome to check out my portfolio and leave me a message via the contact form!